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Mezzanine Guarding System

Mezzanine Guarding System
Mezzanine Guarding System
Mezzanine Guarding System

MezzGuard Mezzanine Guarding System

Increased emphasis on safety in the workplace requires more stringent safety standards.

MezzGuard is an edge-of-mezzanine guarding system intended to fit in between existing handrail uprights, and designed to prevent items from falling from the mezzanine.

This system is manufactured with a robust angle frame and 50 x 50 x 3mm mesh apertures.

If the MezzGuard system is going in between square uprights, panels can be supplied with fixing holes to suit.

Additionally, the bottom channel can be provided with additional holes drilled through to allow the panels to be bolted to the floor, thus providing additional support.

MezzGuard panels are available in a variety of sizes, from 1100 - 2000mm high x 1500mm wide.

This system can be retro fit to virtually any existing handrail system, which allows for more system flexibility and overall cost savings.

Prices below are for guide purposes. Prices for specific projects are avaialble on request.

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SKU Budget Price
MezzGuard From £39.00 (per linear meter)

MezzGuard Mezzanine Guarding System