BinFlag and SpinFlag Stock Indicators
BinFlag and SpinFlage Stock Indicators
The perfect visual stock control system for warehouse or workshop.
The BinFlag and SpinFlag use a traffic light system to simplify stock control.
Just set to Red for ‘out of stock’, Yellow for ‘stock ordered’ and Green for ‘in stock’ – for quick and easy inventory management.
Whatever size or style of operation, BinFlag and SpinFlag are your answer:
- Manufactured in hi-impact resistant ABS plastic, making them durable and robust - perfect for any tough environment.
- Easy to use and compliments your current system - can be used in conjuction with Topstore TC Semi-Open Fronted Containers or Topstore Clearbox Units.
- A visual system that creates a reduction in stock-checking time.
- BinFlags can be printed with your company logo to improve branding visibility.
- BinFlags are RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) compatible so you can be future ready.
For ease of integration the BinFlag and SpinFlag have a removable back plate which can be affixed to any type of storage bin using screws, glue or ultra strong double sided tape.
BinFlag and SpinFlage Stock Indicators